Unless you have been avoiding the news lately, you have heard of the WannaCry ransomware that has infected literally tons of computers. No one would blame you for avoiding the news lately, but there are a couple easy things you can do to minimize your risk of being victimized by this and other cyber-attacks that will surely follow.
Windows, Apple and all the others have put out patches that update to protect your system from the WannaCry ransomware attack. So have the Anti-Virus companies like Norton and McAfee. Windows even went so far as to patch operating systems they no longer support like XP and Vista.
There are a number of ways to back-up your data. Some are simple and some require a little more technical ability. Generally, the most simple require a subscription fee and an internet connection. And the more technical options require at least some hardware (i.e. external hard drive, USB drive) investment.
We would be happy to help you navigate this issue and find the solution that works best for you! Just contact us and set up a free evaluation.